Monday 18 July 2011

Setting up

A safelist is a free or low way to advertise your business to an online audience. Some safelists are free to join and all have an upgrade feature. Some safelists use a credit system for members to pay for their advertising and on most safelists you need to purchase advertising depending on the level of advertising you would like to use on the respective site. In most cases safelist owners provide promocodes for new and existing members to use on their safelists to build up their credits.

Free Safelists

Free safelists are free to join advertising programs they are widespread and is often used by Multi Level Marketers and Affiliate businesses to advertise their businesses to an online audience.

It is important to read all the information on each safelist site before starting to use it for advertising.


Credit Mailer


  cost Safelists could be very effective means of advertising if used smart